In Getting going with Heroku and PHP (part 1) and part 2 I detailed how I made Heroku happy to build and deploy my website, but was now getting Server 5o3 errors when trying to view it in the browser. Not a good place to be!
I then (slowly, too slowly) figured out it was because of the “web/” on the end of the command in my Procfile. This was telling Heroku to look for my project in the “web/” folder. This was slightly annoying, as it means that I didn’t need to learn about “git subtree”, I could have just pushed my whole project and pointed the Procfile at “build/”.
To test this theory, I updated my Procfile to read…
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 build/
I then went to Heroku and did a manual deploy from my “master” branch.
Still no joy…
Oh yes, it would help if I pushed my local commit to the Github repo!
And success! Having pushed my change and done another manual deploy, my app had now appeared.
This is excellent, I can now set my automatic deploys in Heroku to go from my “master” branch and modify my push alias (“p” – see my git aliases) to not do the deploy separately with “git subtree”.
I love streamlining a process like this, and so far, I’m loving Heroku.