Almost two years ago, I first talked about adding stylesheets into my Gulp file, as part of the development workflow that I was working on at the time (and still am). Over that time, I’ve experimented further and wanted to update you on the settings I use these days. Back then I was using Gulp 3,…
Tag: workflow
Clearing Cloudflare cache in Gulp
Three days ago (yes, still going!) I published a post about saving time with FTP in Gulp, where I added a “deploy” method which uploaded the final build items via FTP. I would always recommend using Cloudflare (you may remember me mentioning them before) as a reverse proxy service protecting your origin server from malicious traffic, DDoS…
Saving time with FTP in Gulp
There are two many focuses when building an efficient development workflow: It needs to produce a well optimised and efficient to run website It needs to make it quicker and easier for the developer to work This post is about the second of these things. More specifically, how we can save time by getting Gulp…
Purifying your stylesheets using Gulp
Sounds interesting, right? I bet you didn’t even know your stylesheets were dirty. Well they can be. There are many really useful things that you can get from a CSS framework, such as Bootstrap, or a CSS icon set, such as FontAwesome. You get loads of functionality out of the box that you can quickly include and…
Adding sourcemaps for debugging in Gulp
It’s been a while since I’ve written about my web development workflow and whilst I have been distracted by WordPress and Cloudflare a lot recently, it’s still something that always draws me back. I love using Gulp to automate steps of the build process, enabling me to quickly and easily produce a well optimised and efficient website. I’ve previously…
Modern image formats with Gulp
Early on in my development workflow process I wrote about optimising images the easy way. Image optimisation can make a really big difference, especially now that it appears to be obligatory to have a huge “hero” image section at the top of every website with a slider of huge high-resolution images. If you’re on WordPress…