PHP error reporting

I’m self-taught when it comes to PHP, which is probably how a lot of people get there with a lot of languages these days, but what I mean is that I’ve never had any formal training on it and I’ve never worked with it commercially.  Most of my experience with it at the moment is…

WordPress 403 Forbidden errors

The WordPress login page of one of the sites that I maintain was struck by the dreaded “Forbidden” error message earlier today.  I thought it was odd, because I knew I hadn’t changed anything. So after Googling about a bit, I came up with 3 consistent suggestions for what could be the problem. Folder/file permissions For…

Response headers – an update

I previously wrote about what response headers I was sending back from my website – now I have an update. Part of the problem was that extra headers were being sent, which I didn’t particularly want to be sent. So I’ve been working on getting rid of them. X-Hostname I believe this is added by…

Response headers

One thing that you need to decide when creating a site is what response headers to send when someone requests your page.  There are also a couple of different ways of sending them. Using .htaccess <IfModule mod_headers.c>   Header set Connection keep-alive </IfModule> Using PHP code header(“Connection: keep-alive”); So what headers am I setting on my…