Image optimisation with ShortPixel

One thing that I’ve been doing a lot lately is helping people with their WordPress website performance.  You may have noticed I’ve done some Cloudflare courses and they have come off the back of this (can’t recommend Cloudflare enough, by the way!). One of the Pro features of Cloudflare is called “Polish”, which promises to optimise…

WordPress 403 Forbidden errors

The WordPress login page of one of the sites that I maintain was struck by the dreaded “Forbidden” error message earlier today.  I thought it was odd, because I knew I hadn’t changed anything. So after Googling about a bit, I came up with 3 consistent suggestions for what could be the problem. Folder/file permissions For…

Web ARX Security

Securing websites can be a tricky business, but it’s something I pride myself at being pretty good at.  However, when you’re setting up and managing multiple WordPress sites, it can be hard to keep on top of them all at once. Step in Web ARX Security (affiliate link). In their own words… Website firewall, uptime monitoring and…

New website and blog combined

It’s been more than a month since my last post, which is bad because it means that I’ve already broken my New Year’s resolution to update my blog each week.  However, I’ve got a good excuse (honest!). As you can see, I have a new website!  And this one combines both my website (including the various projects I’m…